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May. 16th, 2020|11:29 am

palasīju wiki references. arī superīgi. es tur redzu konkrētas pretrunas.

Prospective cohort studies are characterized by a long-term longitudinal follow-up, good measurement of dietary exposures, superior ascertainment of incidence of disease and mortality outcomes (and not just surrogate markers) and the ability to adjust for multiple confounding factors [48]. These advantages enable prospective cohort studies to present some of the strongest evidence from observational studies for assessing the relation of dietary sugars exposure to obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease. While this makes prospective cohort studies a good place to look at the question of sugars and incidence of disease, drawing clear inferences from prospective cohort studies is somewhat complicated by the form in which fructose-containing sugars are consumed as the majority of evidence is available only from SSBs.

A WHO-commissioned systematic review and meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies did not find any association between total fructose-containing sugars and body weight [49]. Similarly, large prospective cohort studies have not shown any association with diabetes [50], hypertension [51] and coronary heart disease (CHD) [52]. One exception is gout where it was associated with fructose consumption in a systematic review and meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies [53].

Regular consumption of SSBs indicates that it can lead to weight gain and substantially increase risk of developing cardiometabolic diseases [54]. A WHO-commissioned systematic review and meta-analysis of 38 prospective cohort studies showed a significant association between SSBs and the risk of overweight/obesity in children and weight gain in adults [49]. Another meta-analysis of 22 prospective cohort studies found similar results in both children and adults [55]. In like manner, a systematic review and meta-analysis of 17 prospective cohort studies showed a similar adverse association between SSBs and incident diabetes [56]. Significant relationship of SSBs also exists with metabolic syndrome [57], hypertension [58], CHD [59, 60], stroke [61] and gout [62].

cukurs ņeprečom, ber SSB jeb saldināti dzērieni gan. kas tad vēl bez cukura tur ir? XD

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