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Statistika. [Feb. 2nd, 2019|04:20 pm]
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There are somewhere around five fatalities from shark attacks worldwide in any given average year. As the often touted (although dubious sourced) statistic says, falling coconuts kill more people than that. For comparison's sake, humans kill approximately 100 million to 273 million sharks every year.
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[User Picture]
Date:February 2nd, 2019 - 04:40 pm
vai ne! būtu labāk tos kokosriekstus medījuši
[User Picture]
Date:February 2nd, 2019 - 04:49 pm
ir cerība, ka kādu dienu asinkārība konkrētajai pērtiķu sugai pāries. tikai diez vai mūsu dzīves laikā.