I clicked on purchasing the app more than once and it kept giving me errors
Can you verify and now it says its already been purchased so i dont want to pay for it multiple times...
also i didnt put my credit card info so i want to use my company card and not my personal
Yes it looks like i made the purchase but i really didn't intend to do so
I dont even know how much i paid
I was just playing with this
Can you cancel it please
Please give me some answer. This is the first time I have spent so much money on the App Store so I hope it wasn't for nothing. Your app's premise is really good, I hope you can make the actual app even better.
Thanks for that I think a basic brochure on how this works is a must. And it shouldn't be that hard to do. Basically show the pages headings and what they actually do. Can I please strongly recommend that it be done ASAP with a full you tube. This appears a good app but I can't work it out. I am certainly not an idiot but it is not as simple as you think.
Ha, beidzot kāds sāka žēloties par cenu un prasīt...atlaižu kuponus?
Where do I find a coupon or discount for your app. I want to try it but $25 is a bit steep
E-pasta paraksts un izvilkumi no norādītajām adresēm padarīja emailu labāk saprotamu (kārtējais netaisnīgais vispārinājums)
Temple Israel of xxxxxx City, Rabbi
Šlomo Finkelšteins (I kid you not) mums raksta:
Why if Tue tenants lease is up they are deleted from being an opponent?
Teikšu kā ir, ja varētu saprast, ko viņš vaicā, gan jau ka spētu izdomāt atbildi.
I love your program. Simple and straight forward. Why can't you provide more reports?
Hello, I have some regarding the fictionality (sic!) of this app.
Please call me [telefons]
Best Regards,
Operations Mgr
[pretenciozs kantora nosaukums]
NOTICE:This e-mail including attachments is covered by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, 18 U.S.C. §§ 2510-2521, is confidential and may be legally privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any retention, dissemination, distribution, or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. Access to this e-mail by anyone else is unauthorized. If you are not an addressee, any disclosure or copying of the contents of this-mail or any action taken (or not taken) in reliance on it is unauthorized and may be unlawful. If you are not an addressee, please inform the sender immediately. Delete the e-mail.
šitie fūteri mani vienmēr briesmīgi amjūzē, Šons mani saintriģēja, iegūglējot atradu šo "...On top of all of this, he began calling me at work and sending emails accusing me of not paying and demanding I send him my cancelled check as proof of payment because he forgot to make a copy of it for his records...He's been threatening for months now to take me to court and sue..."
Indiešu epistulārā žanra paraugs, tīri tā, ieskatam
Everything was done as per yours instruction by e-mail But
Still not solved my problem!
Ali tīri pieklājīgi izbeidza mūsu īslaicīgo sakaru, pat bez sarkanās krāsas šoreiz, jācer, ka neierakstīs uz atvadām indīgu review appstorē
Well, thank you for your try but I don't think I can go any further as you said it does not meet my requirement thank you.
Ali ir traki dusmīgs - šodien atsūtīja sarkanu emailu lielā fontā :)
You haven't answered my email I sent yesterday is this because you don't want to deal with this case any more or you don't have an answer?
Ali kļūst nikns - emailā parādās sarkanā krāsa :)
please if you are interested to sell your product I have to be 100% sure its going to do what I need to do and as I said in my first email which you completely ignored your comment is I am a Landlord and I know a lot of people in the same trade therefore I can recommend you App when I get it to work to my satisfaction so please try and arrange either a telephone call.
It kā neesmu rasists vai aizpspriedumu pilns, bet pēdējo dienu novērojums - tieši cilvēki no UK ar vārdiem Ali vai Salem ir visbaisākie (ne)klienti - neko nesaprot, app maksas versiju nepērk, bombardē ar emailiem un stulbiem jautājumiem, prasa telefona numuru lai "to figure out my issue" un žēlojas, ka telefonserviss netiek nodrošināts un pieprasa "tikai dažas" no maksas fīčām par velti, lai būtu "pārliecināti" un "varētu ieteikt" appu "I have lot a connections" citiem.
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