"I’d like to purchase but have questions."
Don't we all?
Dažreiz cilvēki vienkārša raksta, īpaši nedomājot kam tieši un kāpēc...
We would like to hold all lawn care for the address [...adrese dzēsta...], until next spring , after April , since winter already here.
Mums raksta dusmīgais androīda lietotājs, hoho, atturējos aizrakstīt godīgu atbildi uz viņa jautājumu, ko tieši es domāju par android lietotājiem :)
You DO realize that there are WAY more Android users than Iphone users, yes? I would also venture to guess that more Real-Estate Investors / Property Managers use PC/Android than Iphone/Ipad.
What do you think?
Tā jau manas dienas ir baigā maļina, pats sev darbinieks un vagars. Bet tad ir tādas dienas kā šī, kad visa diena paiet komunicējot ar Bredliju "Cirvi" un Ēriku "Man te kaut kas nosprāga". Gribu atvaļinājumu.
Reizēm jau lietotājii arī kaut ko jauku pasaka
Fantastic ! ★★★★★
by rach1834 – Sep 22, 2017
Not often am I compelled to review an app - in fact I don't think I have ever done so but KUDOS to these developers - it is invaluable. The features are so compatible for those who manage their portfolio on the go - links to iCloud Drive seamlessly - please make it available on multiple devices soon ! But seriously download on IPad and you cannot go wrong, I have had hugely priced desktop software in the past and it doesn't even come close. Gold stars. And no I don't work for them
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Kāds alkohola tracking app lietotājs raksta:
Could you please consider adding weed consumption to this please? And others would like pill consumption. I think it would be incredibly useful feature.
Un tad vēl varbūt sēnes? Un līmi?
Es jau saprotu, mēs, latvieši, sevi noniecinām, ko ta nu es, es jau neko. Rekā daži amīši, piem., vienmēr gatavi izšķirošajam karjeras pagriezieniem katra e-pasta galā piekabina:
Available for Greatness
un tad galā LinkedIn links. Tomēr, kad tādu saņem no dāmas tas tomēr šķiet mazliet divdomīgi, laikam pārāk daudz manī vēl seksisma un aizspriedumu.
Pilnīgi neticami cik viena idiota viens emails var nosist apetīti vispār kaut ko darīt
Dažreiz jautājumi suportā ir tik mulsinoši, ka liekas, ka tos sūta bērni vai sen prātu jau izkūkojuši večuki.
Windows Vista cienītājs neliekas mierā:
"I request you need this software on Windows 10/Vista. I have to pay for you separately compatible on PC which will be very useful to me. Please revert me."
Vai es jau teicu, ka puisi sauc Mohameds?
"I purchased your fill app thinking it would do all I need but I'm VERY disappointed."
I am using this apps on my iPhone it's is very useful to me. But I need this software on Windows Vista or Windows 10"
(emails citēts pilnībā)
Hello I would like to request a refund i used us for couple hours and I cannot get it to do it I wanted to do and I am requesting a refund please please contact me
Jeremiah 29:11
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