- 21.2.24 10:27
Izpratne par to a enerģija ir nauda, un naudai ir jābūt izteiktai enerģijas izteiksmē kļūst arvien tuvāka.
No Doomberg epasta:
What nearly all market observers get wrong is the nature of the relationship between energy and the economy. Most view energy as an input into economic activity, as though its contribution to gross domestic product (GDP) is no different than the other measurable goods and services that go into that important calculation.
Energy is not an input into the economy, IT IS THE ECONOMY. Humanity organizes its economic activities to ensure a steady growth in the extraction and exploitation of primary energy because energy is life, standards of living are defined by how much energy is available to be exploited, and all humans everywhere are perpetually seeking a higher standard of living.
(Doomberg gan es nelasu, žēl naudas. Un arī tāds dīvainais prieks par to ka "davai kurinam ogles, pumpējam naftu" man ir svešs. Man ir naids pret Vācijas "energiewende" tuvredzību, un to cik nožēlojama bija zaļo loma apstādinot atomelektrostacijas. Bet nafta un ogle nav atbilde.)