- 7.3.16 16:16
Kā apstiprinot, šodien Guardian raksta par vēl vienu nopietnu problēmu – iespēju nolaupīšanu jaunajai paaudzei: http://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/m
ar/07/revealed-30-year-economic-betrayal-d ragging-down-generation-y-income
As a working class person from a very impoverished background, life has been hard since I left school in 1981. Growing into and through young adulthood in the Thatcher years could at time be brutal, financially, politically and socially. It has taken every bit of resourcefulness I have had to be able to make ends meet. And I'm a tough old bird. In the end illness took me out of the game - possibly made worse by overwork and too much stress.
But I have to say I would not want to be a young poor person today. If you have no start in life now - you will have to turn yourself inside out and upside down to be able to make good. The cost of housing, the cost of education, the cost of everything is mental. Zero hours contracts, zero job security, everything being privatised and the government and their friends in high finance and multinational corporations are playing us for fools. There will be no pensions soon, no free healthcare, no social security. Thatcher wanted to destroy society and she and her inheritors did a bloody good job of it.
It is getting to be fucking jungle where only the fittest will survive. My advise to young people get seriously politically active. Do not tolerate what is happening to you. They can only get away with being absolute bastards while people are apathetic. Get angry. Get out in the street and make your presence felt. In Scotland we had running battle with the government about the poll tax which was grossly unfair. Sustained political challenge brought the hated thing to an end. Fight for your rights and for equity and don't give up until you win some change.