- 26.9.15 08:06
""Our results add support to the idea that prohibiting the sale of alcohol flattens the punishment gradient, lowering the relative cost of participating in the market for illegal drugs," they conclude.
In other words: people who buy alcohol in places where it's illegal become accustomed to dealing with the black market. If you're going to get punished whether you trade in booze or trade in meth, why not give meth a spin? "Alcohol prohibition becomes a gateway to other illegal activities, [...]""
ASV pašvaldībām ir ļoti liela vara: viņi drīkst, ja grib, aizliegt tirgot novada ietvaros alkoholu, piemēram. Bet, izrādās, "sausajos" novados ir lielāks dzērumā izraisīto auto avāriju skaits (jo cilvēki reibumā brauc iepirkt alkoholu ārpus novada), un arī liela metamfetamīna problēma: ja alkohols ir ielikts vienā un tai pašā (aizliegtajā) plauktā ar narkotikām, parādās tendence izvēlēties narkotikas.