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Jul. 17th, 2012|05:29 pm

Esmu labs, cenšos padarīt šo jautājumu max vienkāršu :)

— Regarding the shrinking, let think on it.
perhaps we can cut on testimonials and other part rather than touching the header image.What do oyu think?

— Sure, we can cut anything, because – you’re right, who gives a shit about content, when it’s the facebook button that really matters.

Before we begin, attached is an image of a few screens I could find, there’s also a Macbook laying around but I was to lazy to fire it up: I guess first we should figure out which one we want to target. (Please note, there are also tablet PCs and netbooks (cca ¾ of the laptop size), which I simply don’t have at home, so they couldn’t be included in the illustration).
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