Lācītis numur divi - January 26th, 2016 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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January 26th, 2016

Bezjēdzīgās informācijas lappusīte [Jan. 26th, 2016|04:39 pm]
[music |Sigur Ros / Kveikur]

Lūk, lietotāj, nākamreiz, kad sajutīsies kā cirslis – vienkārši atceries šo.

Porpoises and elephants, fellow mammals known for their extraordinary mental abilities, also have bigger brains than we humans. But that's not fair. Those animals are humongous. You need to take into account brain-to-body size. When this is done, the winner is .. well, the tree shrew

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[ viewing | January 26th, 2016 ]
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