
2016.6.21. | 11:16

es nesaprotu, kāpēc man ir naudas sajūta, ja man naudas nav?

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2016.6.21. | 14:20

šodien ap 13:00 laimīgākā vieta Rīgā bija Ziedoņdārza brīvdabas baseins, kur, saceltām kleitām, slapjiem šortiem, saulē mirdzošas šļakatas mezdami, no prieka spiedza mazie rīdzinieki. tipa: "Man ir daudz ziedu, - viņš teica, - taču visskaistākie ziedi ir bērni."

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Smurfette principle

2016.6.21. | 14:34

Contemporary shows are either essentially all-male, like "Garfield," or are organized on what I call the Smurfette principle: a group of male buddies will be accented by a lone female, stereotypically defined... The message is clear. Boys are the norm, girls the variation; boys are central, girls peripheral; boys are individuals, girls types. Boys define the group, its story and its code of values. Girls exist only in relation to boys."

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2016.6.21. | 18:42

esmu ekstrasenss. naudas sajūta mani nekad nepieviļ. 300 eu no zila gaisa parādījušies kontā. aiziet desas, es jau nāku!

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