
2016.2.12. | 01:03

The vast majority (or, approximately 99%) of women who carry pregnancies to term in Japan are married. The majority of these women stop working once they become pregnant

pregnant woman should eat foods native to Japan. The concept moto ni modoru in this context suggests that in regard to food, one should go back to the origin when pregnant. In other words, Japanese babies are made of Japanese food which comes from Japanese soil.
[manējais ir viscaur Ezerkauliņu burkāni]

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2016.2.12. | 02:13

GIRI ("burden of obligation", "a debt of gratitude", "to serve one's superiors with a self-sacrificing devotion")
"the stocisim, the self-control that
is required of a self-respecting Japanese is part of his giri to his name," and
that "a woman may not cry out in childbirth because of giri."

*** "Giri choco" is a specific term referring to the obligation of close colleagues or associates to provide Valentine's Day or White Day chocolates to each other even if they feel no romantic feelings.

GANBARU ( stand firm, extreme effort, to commit oneself fully to a task and to bring that task to an end)
The outcome of a pregnancy is deeply tied to a woman's conduct; women are considered responsible for minimizing miscarriage and premature birth. There are many theories as to why this may be. Primary to understanding this idea is the Japanese principle of ganbaru.

The use of ganbaru in the medical rhetoric of prenatal care also suggests that the proper ‘education’ of pregnant mothers is one of its implicit goals. In the course of such an endeavour, medical personnel are positioned as coaches to the women, who are supposed (ideally) to develop the spirit and character of a mother through a personal prenatal trial

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2016.2.12. | 15:26


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2016.2.12. | 15:47

biju veikalā pēc (eko)marlēm, un man atkal mēģināja ierunāt tos Baha ziedus. esot kaut kādi jauni ienākušies.

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2016.2.12. | 18:22

Japānā dzemdības ierosina, ievadot makstī jūraszāli Laminaria, sauktu arī par "velna priekšautu". Tas tiek izmantots arī aborta veikšanai.

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pirmā vizīte

2016.2.12. | 19:27

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2016.2.12. | 22:47

„Mēs neaizliedzam seksuālo minoritāšu pārstāvjiem braukt ar minibusiem šajā dienā. Viņi var to darīt, taču tikai par maksu”

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2016.2.12. | 23:40

romantiskākā dating spēle valentīndienā ar 60% atlaidi!


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