Zero tolerance - Afigetj... kapēc man to Tokiju nogrieza? [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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Afigetj... kapēc man to Tokiju nogrieza? [12. Okt 2007|12:55]
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Your travel type: Travel Yup

The Travel Yup likes exotic and adventurous travel, but prefers big cities with fast paced life. He has a keen interest in other cultures and always brings home a few souvenirs.

Shopping in Bangkok, getting a tailor made suite in Kuala Lumpur, that's the kind of thing the Travel Yup is into. Even though he likes to get away, he prefers his travels to be comfortable.

top destinations:

North Korea

stay away from:

Las Vegas
:::: >>>> ???? Tokyo ????<<<< ::::
get your own travel profile
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Date:12. Oktobris 2007 - 13:53
tāpēc, ka tā ir tāda vidēja izmēra pilsētele, kur viss notiek pavisam rimti?