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Anna Marija Levi

Esse un 7. maijs - Episode 2 'El. mīlas peripetijas'

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Round one:
From: Vedjmah <>
To: Igauņu dīvānu ražotājs@igauņu dīvānu ražotā,
Bcc: Gala produkta apmaksātājs <>,
date Wed, May 7, 2008 at 5:15 PM
subject Re: sofas

Dear Estonian guy,

I wonder is there any success with corrected price quotes?
Also, sorry for my straightforwardness, but I have to ask - is there any chance we can cooperate on timely basis - now it seems that the delays in communication take way too long and I'm afraid we can't take risks of production delays as well.


Round two:
From: Igauņu dīvānu ražotājs@igauņu dīvānu ražotā
To: Vedjmah <>
date Wed, May 7, 2008 at 5:23 PM
subject Re: sofas

Dear Vedjmah, I will NOT fool you.
I made another production space out of Tallinn and that took time. Now its working and I have a time to start to make an offer. Dont worry about this! I will send you tomtorrow final quote which is available until at the end of september and then we will see.

Sincerely yours, Estonian Guy
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