Biatlonista-killera sapņu aviokompānija
Rakņājoties pa www un meklējot iespēju aizlidot uz HantiMansijsku, atradu aviokompāniju UT Air, kuras FAQ jautājums/atbilde ar 4. kārtas numuru ir šāds:
Q. Is it allowed to transport pneumatic weapon in your aircraft?
A. UTair Aviation allows transportation of weapon, including pneumatic guns. When checking in you should inform the check-in clerk and the Company representative about any weapon you are carrying. You should have documents confirming that you are allowed to keep and carry weapon.
Q. Is it allowed to transport pneumatic weapon in your aircraft?
A. UTair Aviation allows transportation of weapon, including pneumatic guns. When checking in you should inform the check-in clerk and the Company representative about any weapon you are carrying. You should have documents confirming that you are allowed to keep and carry weapon.