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Anna Marija Levi


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Schiphol Departures 1, Check in desk 4; lidojumu servicē AviaPartner (AP).

AP: Hello, where you're going to?
Esse: Riga, hopefully.
AP: Do you have a luggage to check-in?
Esse: [nolieku somu uz lentas], yes, this one.
AP: Do you know you still have to pay for the luggage?
Esse: Why? It's been paid by travel agents in advance. I flew in and it was ok.
AP: It's not in a system, so you must pay. Go to Air Baltic info desk and pay there.
Esse: Where is it?
AP: Departures 3, go and find. (tas ir 15 minūšu gājiens).
Esse: But why? I'm 100% sure my luggage fee is covered!
AP: We don't have it.
Esse: Fck fck fck

[Aizeju uz D3, neatrodu AB service desk, izjautājos visiem citiem service deskiem, neviens neko nezin]
[Zvans draugam, proti, darbavietas asistentei - Zane, kas ar manu bagāžu? Lūdzu sazvani traveļeidžentus un pajautā, ko lai dara]

Zane atzvana. Viss esot ok, SISTĒMĀ ir izdarīta ATZĪME. Tā bija pazaudējusies, daudzās reizes AB aģentiem pārceļot rezervāciju no dienas uz dienu.
Eju atpakaļ uz D1,Ckh-in 4.

Esse: I'm back. Travel agents adjusted my reservation; luggage is paid already, recheck!
AP: Runā pa telefonu, ar acs kaktiņu palūr uz mani nopūšas bet tomēr ieskatās SISTĒMĀ un uzsit pa klavieri. Molča iedod Boardin pass.
Esse: Is it ok now, finally?
AP: Yes, go to Gate. B35.
Esse: Aha, razbezhalasj.

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