- 14.8.15 14:56
- uzrakstīju vēstuli uz franciju.
aličas taču nogatavojas!
gribējās arī padalīties ar to, kas notiek manī, bet vārdi sanāca pavisam īsi, jo ko gan par to var pateikt? ka brīvību ir iespējams apvienot ar drošības sajūtu. ka nav nemaz tik viegli noticēt un ļauties būt laimīgai. ka pēkšņi esmu sapratusi arī to, ka ļoti mīlu savu dabru. ka dzīve var būt pilna un piepildīta no vienas vietas.
tas viss jau ir process un laiks ir vienīgais pret ko, to var mērīt, ja tik ļoti vajag to mērīšanu. par to lai ziema spriež tiesu.
kāpēc gan lai es būtu tik drosmīga apgalvot, ka zinu. tik daudz reizes kļūdijusies, meklējusi sazin ko, jaukusi tēlus, sejas un personības. - 1 rakstair doma
- Moloko - The Only Ones
- 14.8.15 15:44
If often in the still of night
Thoughts turn out twisted
Well unwind
Uncurl and lay the worries of the world
By any fire you find
Dreamers only believers in their sleep
Under archievers take a leap
Tell her the secrets that you keep
So close and yet too far out
Maybe someday you'll hear
Sweet somethings whispered softly
Into your ear
To those with afflictions
Prone to addictions
To users and to losers
Doubters and their daughters and sons
Your Angel will come
Maybe she's come and gone
Already lost the one
What have you done
You lost the only one
If you came from something
And you're headed nowhere
Out on the run
Allow this thought to crystallise
It is better in the long run
To never get there
And let the journey decide
In all this doom and this gloom
And pessimistical visions
Came all condemned men
All fatalists in metaphysical fear
How could love be here
To those with afflictions
Prone to addictions
To users and losers
Doubters and their daughters and sons
Your Angel will come
And to those with intentions
In all three dimensions
To jokers and to the joke
Doubters and their daughters and sons
(maybe you've found the one)
Maybe she's come and gone
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SEfN0laLflY - Atbildēt