[Dec. 3rd, 2021|10:18 am] |
Comments: |
| From: | watt |
Date: | December 3rd, 2021 - 02:33 pm |
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Feinmans nomira 1988. gadā, tas ir pirms 33 gadiem. Kāda ir dziļā doma, kāpēc tu viņu vēl te piemini?
Izlasi vēlreiz. Tas bija "godalgoto" (Honorary) grādu kontekstā. Ksi, Feinmanu nedrīkst pieminēt vai vispār miroņus?
| From: | watt |
Date: | December 3rd, 2021 - 05:36 pm |
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Par tiem Dr Hon absurdu varētu arī konkrētāk atklāt tēmu. (Ja skatās strikti - citation needed, vai teica, kas teica un kad teica).
Nu tu piepisies, bļaģ. Gadus atpakaļ izlasīju vienā grāmatā. Vai par pašu RPF vai kādu no projektiem, pie kuriem jams piedalījās, neatceros. Bet nu labi, varu pameklēt tavā vietā.
Feynman to George W. Beadle, 4 January 67 " Dear George,
Yours is the first honorary degree that I have ben offered, and I thank you for considering me for such an honor.
However, I remember the work I did to get a real degree at Princeton and the guys on the same platform receiving honorary degrees without work—and felt an “honorary degree” was a debasement of the idea of a “degree which confirms certain work has been accomplished.” It is like giving an “honorary electrician’s license.” I swore then that if by chance I was ever offered one, I would not accept it.
Now at last (twenty-five years later) you have given me a chance to carry out my vow.
So thank you, but I do not wish to accept the honorary degrees you offered.
Sincerely yours,
Richard P. Feynman "
Es lasīju laikam "Genius: The Life and Science of Richard Feynman", bet vajadzētu būt iekļautam arī "Perfectly Reasonable Deviations from the Beaten Track: The Letters of Richard P. Feynman"
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