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[Jun. 4th, 2012|04:49 pm]
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[Putni dzied |Mind Necrosis Factor - Song of Dunes]

Uzraku vecu ierakstu (no 2006 gada) slashdotā par to, kā geimeri sadzīvo ar saviem significant others (or vice versa), lasu komentus un zviedzu:

"I'm checking out stupid videogame magazines in the bookstore once a month, looking for cooperative games for us to play. God knows we don't want to have to talk to each other." (geimera sieva, kura pati labprāt šo to paspēlē)

"As someone else put it: if I thought all-out cut-throat back-stabbing competition was fun, I'd have went to business school."

"The problem with dead horses is that you can't ride 'em. Natalie Portman covered in hot grits however...."

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