Sickbay of my imagination - August 25th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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August 25th, 2010

[Aug. 25th, 2010|02:47 pm]

Fe2O3 + 2Al
linkiestādi koku

[Aug. 25th, 2010|03:33 pm]
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[Aug. 25th, 2010|04:57 pm]
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[Aug. 25th, 2010|05:17 pm]
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After demonstrating his existence with complete certainty with the proposition "I think, therefore I am", Descartes walks into a bar, sitting next to a gorgeous priest. The priest asks Descartes, "Would you like a drink?" Descartes responds, "I think not," and then proceeds to vanish in a puff of illogic.
linkiestādi koku

Dienas citāta [Aug. 25th, 2010|09:59 pm]

Veni, Vidi, Vodka
link2 koki mežā|iestādi koku

Rītdienas citāta [Aug. 25th, 2010|10:43 pm]

What does bigamy mean? One wife too many.
What does monogamy mean? Same fucking thing
link2 koki mežā|iestādi koku

[Aug. 25th, 2010|11:40 pm]
That's not my fault that i'm irresistible
linkiestādi koku

[ viewing | August 25th, 2010 ]
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