pašpasludināts cerības un prieka vēstnesis
pašpasludināts cerības un prieka vēstnesis
- smejos
- 11/2/10 03:28 pm
- "When that [buzz gets killed] happens, I want to rip their wallet out of their pocket and take their money, because they have ruined my time on drug _______, which costs me ______ dollars. Ruining my high is THE EXACT SAME THING as flushing my money down the toilet. And it pisses me the fuck off. I don't come to your expensive dinner and look down my nose at you for eating meat, spew bad vibes out at you, be a douche etc. So don't look down your nose at me when I'm trying to enjoy my (also expensive) drug experience."
/ Kāds cilvēks par narkotikām.
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