- 6/26/21 03:18 pm
Man viņa sakarā domas ir apmēram kā šim kungam:
I can't make up my mind on if he killed himself or was suicided by a third party. On one hand, he was just about to be moved to the USA, where he'd be humiliated and mistreated for sure, so maybe he preempted this whole thing by evacuating from the mortal realm. On the other, we have precedent about CIA killing squealers in jails. But then again, saying that you'd never kill yourself and if you die it was a murder, and then killing yourself, is exactly the kind of thing McAfee would do.
Ar tādiem madladiem nekad neko nevar zināt, lai gan tas nemaina faktu, ka ASV dīpsteits nodarbojas ar dziedoņu slepkavībām vai cita veida iznīcināšanām (caur tiesām, unpersonējot - Snovdens, Asanžs etc.). Man gan šaubas, ka tam keksam bija nez kādi materiāli, jo kur lai viņš tos būtu ņēmis? No otras puses es nebrīnītos, ja mūsdienās CIP slepkavo cilvēkus, kas viņiem vienkārši nepatīk vai saka sliktas lietas par Demokrātu partiju, jo tādi nu mums laiki.