
David Lynch - Catching The Big Fish [9781585426126]
Patika ļoti.

Tagad un arī turpmāk manas piezīmes (acu un sajūtu iekritumi):

Bushnell Keeler, the father of my friend Toby, always had this expression: “If you want to get one hour of good painting in, you have to have four hours of uninterrupted time.”

You don’t need anything outside of the work.There have been a lot of great books written, and the authors are long since dead, and you can’t dig them up. But you’ve got that book, and a book can make you dream and make you think about things.

But if you know that you’ve got to be somewhere in half an hour, there’s no way you can achieve that. So the art life means a freedom to have time for the good things to happen.There’s not always a lot of time for other things.

So you don’t know how it’s going to hit people. But if you thought about how it’s going to hit people, or if it’s going to hurt someone, or if it’s going to do this or do that, then you would have to stop making films. You just do these things that you fall in love with, and you never know what’s going to happen.

Desire for an idea is like bait.When you’re fishing, you have to have patience. You bait your hook, and then you wait.The desire is the bait that pulls those fish in—those ideas.

Fifty years ago, people were saying,“Everything’s speeding up.”Twenty years ago, they were still saying,“Everything’s speeding up.” It always seems that way. And it seems even more so now. It’s crazy. When you watch a lot of TV and read a lot of magazines, it can seem like the whole world is passing you by.

The thing about meditation is: You become more and more you.

We’re like lightbulbs. If bliss starts growing inside you, it’s like a light; it affects the environment.

Some mornings, in a perfect world, you might wake up, have a coffee, finish meditation, and say,“Okay, today I’m going into the shop to work on a lamp.” This idea comes to you, you can see it, but to accomplish it you need what I call a “setup.” For example, you may need a working shop or a working painting studio. You may need a working music studio. Or a computer room where you can write something. It’s crucial to have a setup, so that, at any given moment, when you get an idea, you have the place and the tools to make it happen.

If you don’t have a setup, there are many times when you get the inspiration, the idea, but you have no tools, no place to put it together. And the idea just sits there and festers. Over time, it will go away. You didn’t fulfill it—and that’s just a heartache.

The Truth upholds the fragrant Earth and makes the living water wet.Truth makes fire burn and the air move, makes the sun shine and all life grow. A hidden truth supports everything. Find it and win. RAMAYANA

Try to get a job that gives you some time; get your sleep and a little bit of food; and work as much as you can.There’s so much enjoyment in doing what you love. Maybe this will open doors, and you’ll find a way to do what you love.

When you finish a project, there’s a good feeling to it, but there’s something of a vacuum, too. You’ve been putting all your attention on that, and then it’s done. It’s like fishing. You caught a beautiful fish yesterday, and you’re out today with the same bait, and you’re wondering if you’re going to catch another. But if you carry on the analogy of fishing, sometimes, even if you sit with lots and lots of patience, no fish come. You’re in the wrong area. And so maybe you reel in the hook, get the paddle, and move to another place. That means you leave the chair where you’re daydreaming or you move on to another thing. Just by changing something, the desire often gets fulfilled. It doesn't mean that if you just sit and wait that it will come. I don't know quite what brings it. But the desire, if it's kept alive, will often be validated with an idea. When you get an idea, you know you've got a validation.

what normal education produces, which is a joke. It’s facts and figures, but the knower does not know him- or herself.

Nobody believes in peace.

