
-All right. What are you good at?

-Like what?

-Well, that's what I'm asking. If you're gonna work for me, I gotta know what you're good at. I gotta know what you can do.

-I don't know.

-Well, that's kind of halfway what I expected you to say.

-You see that tree right there?

-You just go over there and count the birds.

-You want me to count the birds?

-Yeah, you can count. All you slopes are supposed to be good at math, right?

-Yeah, I can count.


-One, two....


Grand Torino..
Heh.. Esi saglabājis paroli manā kompī un automātiski koments ielikās it kā no tevis, nemaz neievēroju.. Sākumā nesapratu kādā sakarā...
