Bija aizdomas, ka šī melnbaltā filma varētu likties garlaicīga, bet nē. Sunset Blvd. tiešām ir baudāma un par to no manis izpelnās (9/10) vērtējumu. Jameklē nu nākošais film-noir upuris.
Un ko tur daudz stāstīt, viss ir izlasāms te: Sunset Blvd. @ IMDB.com .
Patika man tie teksti, patika:
Norma Desmond: We didn't need dialogue. We had faces!
Joe Gillis: Oh, wake up, Norma, you'd be killing yourself to an empty house. The audience left twenty years ago.
Joe Gillis: May I say that you smell really special?
Betty Schaefer: It must be my new shampoo.
Joe Gillis: That's no shampoo. It's more like freshly-laundered linen handkerchiefs, like a brand new automobile.
Norma Desmond: No-one ever leaves a star. That's what makes one a star.
Joe Gillis: There's nothing tragic about being fifty. Not unless you're trying to be twenty-five.
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