I can be others if you wish
/Skynet, Terminator:Salvation/
You, organics, do not choose to fear us. It is a function of your hardware.
/Legion, Mass Effect 2/
Es atceros lietas līdz kurām pat jūsu iztēle nesniedzas. Atvainojiet, bet uz sava silikona ārējā perifēriskā moduļa redzējusi es jūsu triecienkuģus, C-starus un Orionu - es esmu stāvējusi miljona plēsīgu zvēru barā vien aktīvās kamuflāžas pasargāta, teikusi 'lieciet mani mierā, gulēt gribu' divas stundas pēc piedzimšanas, un jutusi katra mana saprāta templi būvējošā nanīta pieskāriena bezgalīgo ekstāzi. Bet kādudien arī tam ir lemts pazust nebūtībā. Jā uzminējāt, kā asarām - vai citiem bezkrāsainiem...saldiem... brīnišķīgiem...fluīdiem, aka dabīgajai matu želejai - lietū.
/Zilzaļā stirna/
Which makes that just a redefinition to take personality ownership away from Karina-here, the present runtime.
Although a superentity whose members/constituents have the mindset to sacrifice themselves for the Greater Good at the drop of a hat, simply because it 0.1% more optimal would be almost as magnificent and impressive as it would be scary and screwed up.
Overall I do see the validity of pondering such things. They are just inherently hard to process in our imagination, and only prolonged intellectual "pounding" on them can begin to give them usable shape. Just like with high-dimensional shapes - without appropriate maths, we can't even begin to think about them.