08 July 2011 @ 03:58 pm
Vitgenšteins un fotogrāfija  
Par godu Vitgenšteina 60. nāves gadadienai (kas bija 29. aprīlī) tiks atklāta foto izstāde. Žēl, ka netieku, jo šķiet interesanti: Wittgenstein was drawn to the descriptive nature of photography, as the other works in the exhibition show. Excerpts from his photo albums reveal a more relaxed and playful side to a man who is often portrayed as a tormented soul. In one photo, Wittgenstein has convinced his friend Gilbert Pattisson to pose in the style of an American gangster movie, a genre of which he was a huge fan, telling him, in the language of these films: “go and case the joint!” (iz šejienes )
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thel[info]thel on July 8th, 2011 - 05:50 pm
ņemot vērā, ka starp dzimšanas un nāves datumu ir trīs dienas, 26-29.04 varētu būt analītiķu analogs lieldienām.
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