17 April 2012 @ 09:43 pm
Filozofi un Camp  

Mana pieredze uzrāda, ka liela filozofu daļa izpausmēs ir pilnīgs Camp vai arī pieder tā loģiskam atzaram - pižonismam. Lūk, tāpēc mani itin nemaz nepārsteidza šāds apraksts:

In Oxford the Ayers took a small first-floor flat in the centre of the city (58 High Street) and acquired two Siamese cats. The menagerie was completed by a donkey which Renee had bought after discovering it being abused by its owner, and which they kept in a field on the edge of the city. Renee herself had rather Siamese features and bow legs, and further cultivated an oriental look by wearing her hair in a long pig-tail and walking round town with the donkey, laden with groceries, behind her. She and Freddie furnished their flat with second-hand Second Emiper couches, and placed a large reproduction of Tintoretto's Susannah and the Elders over their bed. Isaiah Berlin found it terribly gaudy: "It was like Violetta's appartment in La Traviata - there wasn't a natural colour in it." But Freddie and Renee liked the effect."

Rogers Ben (1999) A.J. Ayer. A Life. - Catto&Windus, p. 98.
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thel[info]thel on April 18th, 2012 - 12:48 pm
Aijera gadījumā, kā ir noprotams no Berlina izteikuma, šaurā līnija tika smagi pārkāpta. Līdzīgi kā, piem., var aizdoties uz loģiķu konferencēm un redzēt visvisādus stila brīnumus (tas nav nedz labi, nedz slikti, vnk. man liekas, ka arī viņi labi ierakstītos camp-ā)

Par Boviju piekrītu (ne tik šovmenīgs, bet, manuprāt, arī Koens ir stilīgs savā vienkāršībā), tomēr viņš šajā kontekstā ir pavisam citas jomas pārstāvis :)
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