Kuraa interneta adresē notiekošais ir visīstākais, un kur tikai kā papildlieta? :
Labrīt. Esmu jau ielikusi krāsnī cepties maizi (šoreiz no auzu pārslām, zirņu miltiem, klijām un kumina), šodien plānoju vārīt jēra zupu ar kāļiem un bietēm, kā arī tunča salātus ar zirņūdens majonēzi tm inese_tk. Dārzs ir arī piebiris pilns ar āboliem, tāpēc ieliku saldētavā kokospienu, lai var vēlāk uzputot par vegāno putukrējumu ko ēst vai nu vienkārši ar ceptiem āboliem vai kādu no ābolkūkas variantiem. :
Šo visu gatavojot es domāju par to, ka, jo ātrāk cilvēki atmetīs domu par to, ka lietas kārtojas dihotomijās vai cēloņu-seku attiecībās, jo ātrāk viņi sapratīs dzīvi un cits citu. :
Moving from the immediate experience rather than from memory.
Moving from the immediate experience rather than from memory.
Šodienas lasījums: :
Etty Hillesum lived a few blocks from Anne Frank. They both died in Nazi camps, Anne at Bergen-Belsen at 15, and Etty at Auschwitz, six weeks before her 30th birthday.
“I am accomplished in bed,” she writes. This is why, it’s been suggested, Etty Hillesum’s diaries aren’t, like those of her younger neighbor, part of the Holocaust canon.
http://lithub.com/etty-hillesum-god-s ex-and-defiance-in-a-time-of-war/
Tags: 4th wave feminism
Etty Hillesum lived a few blocks from Anne Frank. They both died in Nazi camps, Anne at Bergen-Belsen at 15, and Etty at Auschwitz, six weeks before her 30th birthday.
“I am accomplished in bed,” she writes. This is why, it’s been suggested, Etty Hillesum’s diaries aren’t, like those of her younger neighbor, part of the Holocaust canon.
Tags: 4th wave feminism