atmiņas par domām


August 27th, 2015

07:16 am: tā sauktais interesantais darbs, ja tā ir par daudz, padara cilvēkus garlaicīgus.
lielākā daļa politiķu un žurnālistu ko pazīstu ir ļoti garlaicīgi.
pārdomas kopenhāgenas lidostā.
arī, kas vinjiem visiem ir mugurā - žakete, krekls un bikses. lol.

11:57 am: no pēdejā izjājiena ar zirdziniem noberzti jēli pirkstiņi, un no viņiem tek kaut kas dzeltens un smird; rīgā ir pārāk karsti; es nezinu ko vilkt

08:56 pm: can we find a way of living in which we don't use another? - psychologically, emotionally, not depend on another, not use another as a means of escape from our own tortures, from our own despairs, from our own loneliness.To understand this is to understand what it means to be lonely. Have you ever been lonely? Do you know what it means? - that you have no relationship with another, are completely isolated. You may be with your family, in a crowd, in the office, wherever you are, when this complete sense of utter loneliness with its despair suddenly comes upon you. Till you solve that completely, your relationship becomes a means of escape and therefore it leads to corruption, to misery.

09:10 pm: When we remain with that sorrow totally, without trying to rationalize it, without trying to escape from it in any form through words or through action, when you remain with it completely, without any movement of thought, then you will find that out of that sorrow comes passion. That passion has the quality of love, and love has no sorrow.

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