Wednesday, February 23rd, 2011


Pētu pie manis randomā nonākušo grāmatu "Gaismas dzeja. Sūfiju dzeja no Persijas", kur publicēti sūfiju garadarbu tulkojumi no persiešu uz angļu un no angļu uz latviešu valodu. Ne tā, ka ļoti iefanotu, bet palasīt interesanti, lai saprastu, kas tas vispār par zvēru. Domāju tikai, cik kļova būtu, ja abas versijas, gan angļu, gan latviešu, būtu tulkotas no persiešu valodas. Tad varētu pētīt, kuras ir tās lietas oriģinālā, ko nav izdevies vai kultūratšķirību dēļ nav bijis iespējams iztulkot vienā valodā, bet ir varēts otrā. Tādas lietas noteikti ir, un ļoti ticams, ka šāda salīdzināšana palīdzētu saprast kaut kādas nozīmes nianses oriģinālā un apzināt dažu jēdzienu neesamību iekš to dzimto mēli vai nevalodu. Būtu pievienotā vērtība šim literārajam projektam ne pa jokam.
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Friday, March 5th, 2010

"We've got a throwaway culture. People, plastic, pop bottles, principles. Everything's disposable. The nation's suffering from memory disorder. Two hundred years ago? Impossible to imagine. A hundred years ago? Too hard to think about. Fifty years ago? Ancient history. A movie made ten years ago is considered old. A TV series made five years ago is a classic. Most books have a three-month shelf life. Sports organizations no sooner build stadiums than they blow them up so they can replace them with newer, uglier ones. The grade school I went to was torn down and replaced by a strip mall. Our culture's so obsessed with what's new, we destroy the past and pretend it never happened."

David Morrell. "Creepers".
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Monday, September 3rd, 2007

Interesanti un vienkārši

In the world of the nomad, there is no carefully defined turf. That's why the nomads were the ones who developed the monotheistic religions of Judaism and Islam. lf you were sedentary you could develop all sorts of mythologies about this rock or that tree, and think that God was in that rock or that tree, alone. But the nomads always saw more of the world. They knew that God was not in that rock. He was everywhere. And the nomads, sitting around their campfires or walking from oasis to oasis, then conveyed that complex truth through simple stories.

Thomas L. Friedman. The Lexus and the Olive Tree.
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Saturday, September 1st, 2007

The weather reports from Beirut

Sure, Mr. Thomas, whatever you say )
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Friday, August 31st, 2007

Only the paranoid survive :)

Schumpeter, a former Austrian Minister of Finance and Harvard Business School professor, expressed the view in his classic work Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy that the essence of capitalism is the process of "creative destruction" - the perpetual cycle of destroying the old and less efficient product or service and replacing it with new, more efficient ones. Andy Grove took Schumpeter's insight that "only the paranoid survive" for the title of his book on life in Silicon Valley, and made it in many ways the business model of globalization capitalism. Grove helped to popularize the view that dramatic, industry transforming innovations are taking place today faster and faster. Thanks to these technological breakthroughs, the speed by which your latest invention can be made obsolete or turned into a commodity is now lightning quick. Therefore, only the paranoid, only those who are constantly looking over their shoulders to see who is creating something new that will destroy them and then staying just one step ahead of them, will survive.

Thomas L. Friedman. The Lexus and the Olive Tree.
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Thursday, May 25th, 2006

Un vēl man sagribējās izlasīt šo. Biju jau aizmirsusi. Došos vakarā grāmatu lūkot.
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