

Thursday Apr. 15th, 2021 | 15:42
from:: brookings

"Par to, protams, jālemj ekspertiem."

The rest of you do what you are told, and keep your effing mouths shut: you don't have a PHD - wear a cloth mask to stop the virus, shut down your business, and pay the taxes to pay off the debt we took out - if we let you out to work, that is. And if you do leave home, scan your vaccine status to get into the shops, and keep your filthy cash in your pockets, pleb. Don't do any research yourself - you are an idiot: if all-cause mortality stats don't make any mistake, it's because nothing makes sense to you - dickhead. Know yr place, peasant. Only a retarded populist would be interested in the methodology of PCR tests. The experts know the answers, and there is no way that there is any movement towards an orthodox view in a politicised environment - not with scientists! What are you, nuts? Take the vaccine: the experts say it's safe, we paid a lot of money for them, though we don't know if it stops transmission. We will make up our minds about that later. Don't worry about long-term effects or short-term effects or fatalities. None of that happened/is happening/will happen. And even if there were side effects, you probably won't even be able to pronounce them.

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