antifrīzam ir salda garša

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Wednesday Jul. 4th, 2018 | 10:36

Ja jums mājās ir antifrīzs, jūsu dzīvnieki to apēdīs un nomirs.

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Comments {4}



from: [info]sramgni
date: Wednesday Jul. 4th, 2018 - 12:12

Antifreeze affects balance and perception, which means that pooches might have trouble walking a straight line or staying upright.




from: [info]sramgni
date: Wednesday Jul. 4th, 2018 - 12:13

If your dog is clearly seeing things that aren’t there, and showing it by barking, cowering, or attacking something that isn’t there, your pup might be hallucinating or in a delirious state.




from: [info]sramgni
date: Wednesday Jul. 4th, 2018 - 12:16

A dog experiencing antifreeze poisoning may also cry or whimper, or may become anti-social and retreat away from people.




from: [info]sramgni
date: Wednesday Jul. 4th, 2018 - 12:16

If your dog has already started digesting the antifreeze, you may see more advanced symptoms emerge.

Your dog may shake or shiver violently as he gets sicker and his system goes into shock.

These shakes and shivers might progress into full-blown seizures as the poison begins to effect the brain.
