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Monday Jan. 26th, 2015 | 09:46

If you have a racist friend,
Now is the time, now is the time for your friendship to end.

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Comments {18}

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from: [info]zhurku_teevs
date: Monday Jan. 26th, 2015 - 15:09

ingmār, es neapvainošos, ja tev ir kaut kas ko teikt, es esmu pillnā, vienkārši gribās sociālo

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from: [info]zhurku_teevs
date: Monday Jan. 26th, 2015 - 15:16

es domāju, tu du domā, vienkārši ar tādu perdeli nevajag ielaisties, bet paskaties, mēs nobalsojām ka no stār wars tā ir labākā sērija, kas ir normālāka - fakti runā paši par sevi
- http://klab.lv/users/malvine_truse/102921.html

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ar izpratni par būtisko


from: [info]zhurku_teevs
date: Monday Jan. 26th, 2015 - 15:29

kā sevi pārdot?

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from: [info]zhurku_teevs
date: Monday Jan. 26th, 2015 - 15:41


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ar izpratni par būtisko


from: [info]zhurku_teevs
date: Monday Jan. 26th, 2015 - 19:13


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from: [info]zhurku_teevs
date: Thursday Jan. 29th, 2015 - 08:24

es atvainojos, es biju iedzēris, un likās, ka tev var likt "mūzikas" jūtubes mēslus, tagad saprotu, ka mana pieeja droši vien nebija pareizā

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from: [info]zhurku_teevs
date: Thursday Jan. 29th, 2015 - 09:45

old man river, old man river, he dont say nothing, but he must know something, he just keeps rolling along

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