Posted on 2009.01.08 at 13:29
"Legitimate criticism of the Israeli military and the attack against Palestinian civilians is mixed with anti-Semitic cliches and that's where we end up with a mish-mash seen in commentaries and on blogs," freelance writer and Swedish Committee against Anti-Semitism activist Jonathan Leman told SvD.
(Atcirst) (Kamols)
kā reiz šito paralēli lasīju
(Atcirst) (Vecāks lol) (Kamols)
Nu es it kā nevienu klišeju nepieminēju, izņemot, to ka jamie cenšās izdzīvot palestnīniešus laukā no tās zemes jau kopš 47tā (which is +\- true, pat UN piekrīt)
(Atcirst) (Vecāks lol)