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(no subject) @ 09:49 am

[info]wilkacis commented on [info]spike's post:

Man vienkārši dažreiz tava vārdu plūsma liek domāt, ka esi apjucis, ideālus zaudējis mizantrops un man paliek tevis žēl ;(

A pun or paronomasia is a phrase that deliberately exploits confusion between similar-sounding words for humorous or rhetorical effect.

Pīters Pens --> Penisks. He, he, tas ir īpašības vārds ar peni iekšā! Bet sākumā nepamanīju, tāpēc no pun intended. ;)

Jeb kā skaidrotu Maddox, You're saying:
Hey reader, you see that play on words I just made? Yeah, well that wasn't an accident. In fact, I thought it was so clever that I didn't think your simple mind would be able to comprehend the brilliance of my play on words, and I wanted to make sure you know that I'm not only smart enough to use homonyms, but that I'm smart enough to point them out.
The sheer level of narcissism it takes to think that anyone gives a shit about whether or not you meant to write your pun is mind boggling. If narcissism were measured in units of mass, the skulls of people who pointed out puns would crush in on themselves in a giant black hole of stupidity.


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