Dialogi Ar Kādu Neprātīgo - April 30th, 2012 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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April 30th, 2012

i'm stalking a new guy.. [Apr. 30th, 2012|11:49 pm]
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[Current Mood |crazy]
[Current Music |none]

a definite to-see
1) The Bourne Legacy [2012]
2) Untitled James Gray Project [2012]

1) Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol [2011]
2) Thor [2011]
3) The Town [2010]
4) The Hurt Locker [2008]
5) 28 Weeks Later [2007]
6) North Country [2005]
7) S.W.A.T. [2003]

daļēji redzētās
1) The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford [2007]

1) The Avengers [2012]
2) Ingenious [2009]
3) Take [2007]
4) Love Comes to the Executioner [2006]
5) A Little Trip to Heaven [2005]
6) Twelve and Holding [2005]
7) Lords of Dogtown [2005]
8) Neo Ned [2005]
9) The Heart Is Deceitful Above All Things [2004]
10) Dahmer [2002]
11) Monkey Love [2002]
12) Fish in a Barrel [2001]
13) A Friend's Betrayal [1996]
14) Paper Dragons [1996]
15) Senior Trip [1995]

P.S. even thinking of watching The Unusuals [2009] -> TV series.. bad, bad girl..
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