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Friday, August 25th, 2023

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    Interesanti butu redzet cibinju sadalijumu pa Love styles blokiem:

    Secure: These individuals are comfortable with both
    emotional closeness and independence. They may be swept
    up in romantic love affairs, but they know that if things fall
    apart, they will survive. Some attachment theorists have
    labeled such people as securely attached.

    Clingy: These people desire a great deal of closeness and feel
    uneasy when they have to be independent. Such people, in
    attachment terms, are labeled as anxious, preoccupied, and

    Skittish: The skittish desire a great deal of independence and if
    forced to be close may run. Such people have been labeled
    as dismissing and avoidant.

    Fickle: Fickle people fall in love with those who do not love
    them. They change their mind often. They will doggedly
    pursue someone only to lose interest when they have won
    their target’s affection. In attachment terms, one might
    describe them as ambivalent.

    Casual: These are people looking for relationships that lack
    drama or problems; easy relationships.

    Uninterested: Some people lack any interest in relationships
    whatsoever and might be considered anhedonic in
    reference to relationships and even sexual.

    Nemts no :
    Jonason, P.K., Hatfield, E. and Boler, V.M., 2015. Who engages in serious and casual sex relationships? An individual differences perspective. Personality and Individual Differences, 75, pp.205-209.

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