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Saturday, November 29th, 2008

    Time Event
    The last night Lhasa song was :

    (Maybe this is not the place and time but anyway this music and lyrics is so beautiful):

    Then I’ll die three times
    And be born again
    In a little box
    With a golden key
    And a flying fish
    Will set me free

    Soon this space will be too small
    All my veins and bones
    Will be burned to dust
    You can throw me into
    A black iron pot
    And my dust will tell
    What my flesh would not

    Love you
    nu man ir stāsts "Tā šķiras Itālijā" :)
    ne sliktāk kā Gruzijā :)
    Thank you for your kind proposal of cinema 
    For sure it`s not possible 

    I remember a story

    I was 6 years old, I made garden-bed, planted some seeds, surprise - it works, all summer took care about some flowers – calendulas bright as sun
    One evening some woman passed our garden, and she said: is there some adult ? no ? I am going to visit some people, I need some flowers, and - I didnt know why I gave them my flowers,, and than she took out 1 ruble and said – these flowers cost 20 copeiks, can you give me change back . I didn’t have change,,,  I don’t know what I expected, I went back and cried all evening, Nobody understood why I cry and I couldn’t understand myself – actually nothing happened, I met the world of values  That's me in the corner, That's me in the spotlight, Losing my religion

    Once in mountains, it was abyss, blue and green, and I needed to jump over - and I saw that I cant, I will fall in, and nobody can persuade me, and than the group leader came, took my ropes and said: Don’t jump over, jump in, I will take you out
    I and jumped – over of course, but the feeling was – or he will take me out, or we both fall in, but he will not cut the rope 

    So summary is : I am waiting for somebody who will say : Don’t jump over, jump in, I will take you out

    While I am loosing my religion  over little calendulas 
    visiem, kas dzīvi seko snorkes mīlas drāmai

    nu laikam tak neizdevās izšķirties,,, sākam vest miera sarunas
    ir jau aizkustinājums, ka gatavs plutonu pārvietot
    vispār jau vīrieši nav tik bezcerīgi, ja pa punktiem pasaki, kas nepatīk, pa punktiem viņi arī atbild un vēl uzaicina vakarīņās :)

    paldies starptautiskajam atbalstam, viedajiem padomiem, īpaši fanijai un krii :))))

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