печально быть антисоциальным - C maps to mind

May. 2nd, 2003

06:03 pm - C maps to mind

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[..], part of the reason that ML in particular, and functional programming languages in general have not caught on more broadly, is that they're aimed at people who have mathematical sophistication, who are able to think in more abstract ways, that lots of other folks, and I include myself, have trouble with. Whereas languages like C are very operational, you can see how every single piece of them maps into what's going on in the machine in a very very direct sense.
Brian Kernighan

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Date:May 2nd, 2003 - 05:31 pm
un taisniibu arii viirs saka. Baigi diivaini ir rakstiit MLaa, jo domaat sanaak pilniig shkjeersi. Vismaz tad,ja pirms tam/peec tam esi rakstiijis imperatiivaas valodaas.
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