печально быть антисоциальным - "We’re all slammin’ Jager in the unwinder, do you really want an inebriated review? "

Apr. 18th, 2008

07:35 pm - "We’re all slammin’ Jager in the unwinder, do you really want an inebriated review? "

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Date:April 19th, 2008 - 01:27 pm
"Mēs visi triecam Jēgerīti atlaistuvē [lounge room, telpa, kur atpūsties vai kas tamlīdzīgs], vai tu tiešām vēlies pietempušos [dzērumā radītu] apskatu/atskaiti?"
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Date:April 21st, 2008 - 09:31 pm
Paldies. :)
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