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Apr. 28th, 2007|03:46 am

izskatās, ka viņš ir sašūmējies par šo paragrāfu:
In his July 2005 article cardinal seemed to challenge what most scientists would see as axiomatic—the idea that natural selection is an adequate explanation for the diversity and complexity of life in all its forms. Within days, the pope and his advisers found they had new interlocutors. Lawrence Krauss, an American physicist in the front–line of courtroom battles over education, fired off a letter to the Vatican urging clarification. An agnostic Jew who insists that evolution neither disproves nor affirms any particular faith, Mr Krauss recruited as co–signatories two American biologists who were also devout Catholics. Around the same time, an other Catholic voice was raised in support of evolution, that of Father George Coyne, a Jesuit astronomer who until last year was head of the Vatican observatory in Rome.
citiem vārdiem, zanderu uztrauc, ka daži katološie un viens agnostiķis–ebrejs vatikānam jautā pēc viņu uzskatu precizēšanas. zander, vētra ūdens glāzē? viņš ir vai nu neuzmanīgs lasītājs, vai (tipiski žurnālistam) pārspīlē.
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