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joki [Dec. 14th, 2010|04:50 am]
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David Mitchell: I was just going to say that my eye was caught by this whole scandal in America.
Robert Webb: Oh, the scandal in America. Yeah, that is interesting. That must be the biggest scandal since Watergategate.
Mitchell: Watergategate? Isn't it just Watergate?
Webb: No. That would mean it was just about water. No, it was a scandal or "gate", add the suffix "gate", that's what you do with a scandal; involving the Watergate Hotel. So it was called the Watergate scandal, or Watergategate
Mitchell: But doesn't the term "gate" meaning scandal, come from Watergate?
Webb: What, take the last 4 letters of a previous scandal, or hotel, and add it to all future scandals? That can't be the system…
Mitchell: I think it is.
Webb: Well what if there's a scandal about water? What do you call that?
Mitchell: Well you'd call it waterga… ah I see what you mean. Aquagate?
Webb: It's not great is it?
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