Akm - ens
Jan. 1st, 2013 | 08:38 pm
Sheit ir, bet es tik taa, jo pazuud skatiens blaavumaa.
Sheit nav, un tu tik taa, pirms pazudiisi taalumaa.
Un taa arii es palikshu ar Gulbiishiem un hashishu.
Es pieaugot tik saraavos un pasaulee izpletos.
Paaraak maza lai atrastu, paaraak taalu lai mekleetu.
Un ja tomeer savaacos un kaut uz briidi izliekos,
paaraak iisi lai saprastu, paaraak veelu lai ticeetu.
Tiek mekleeta mana maniiba!
Taa dikti sen nav maniita -
Jau dazhi gadi ap jaanjiem,
starp mazgadiigiem paaljiem.
Sheit nav, un tu tik taa, pirms pazudiisi taalumaa.
Un taa arii es palikshu ar Gulbiishiem un hashishu.
Es pieaugot tik saraavos un pasaulee izpletos.
Paaraak maza lai atrastu, paaraak taalu lai mekleetu.
Un ja tomeer savaacos un kaut uz briidi izliekos,
paaraak iisi lai saprastu, paaraak veelu lai ticeetu.
Tiek mekleeta mana maniiba!
Taa dikti sen nav maniita -
Jau dazhi gadi ap jaanjiem,
starp mazgadiigiem paaljiem.
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Dec. 28th, 2012 | 10:39 pm
Tikko atradu blogu man. Kaads GADU bija man rakstiijis... Es to nebiju pelniijusi.
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Dec. 16th, 2012 | 10:29 pm
There is such a thing as a soul. I had forgotten about mine for some time. So it was acting like a puppy in these situations - peed everywhere.
It would be all nice and dandy, if the puppy would not have acted as pups do when the master comes home... How humiliating. All over the place, nervously running around and stumbling making very little sense. But that's all fine. Totally worth it!
What is even better, is that I have another incredible case of a wish come true. And even in a super short period of time. In 2 days the probability went from 0.0001 to "done". I seem to have a direct line. I must be doing something right... :D
It would be all nice and dandy, if the puppy would not have acted as pups do when the master comes home... How humiliating. All over the place, nervously running around and stumbling making very little sense. But that's all fine. Totally worth it!
What is even better, is that I have another incredible case of a wish come true. And even in a super short period of time. In 2 days the probability went from 0.0001 to "done". I seem to have a direct line. I must be doing something right... :D
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visual text
Nov. 19th, 2012 | 12:21 am
I think...
that the way wee see thoughts being statically expressed is changing in a direction where visual associations, rather than learned meanings, prevail. This, in a way, might resemble the writing of the Asian languages. An idea can be expressed in a way that allows the mind access it more easily, skipping the "dryness" of text. At the same time the idea is expressed with more or less ambiguity. But this question is also a valid problem in the case of text.
The type of written communication I am talking about is: :), arrows, graphs, etc. These forms should become more and more recognised as fit for official use.
Reading a whole page explanation in a scientific article, takes me a looooong time. Cracking into the way the author has structured a sentence that is waaaaaaay too long... When all of it can be expressed in a small graph with highlights on the main points and clear definitions of each constituent. In the case of scientific articles, it is necessary to also maintain the text part, to allow effective citation. But non the less, visual representations should become regard as more "serious". As it is a major time saver.
that the way wee see thoughts being statically expressed is changing in a direction where visual associations, rather than learned meanings, prevail. This, in a way, might resemble the writing of the Asian languages. An idea can be expressed in a way that allows the mind access it more easily, skipping the "dryness" of text. At the same time the idea is expressed with more or less ambiguity. But this question is also a valid problem in the case of text.
The type of written communication I am talking about is: :), arrows, graphs, etc. These forms should become more and more recognised as fit for official use.
Reading a whole page explanation in a scientific article, takes me a looooong time. Cracking into the way the author has structured a sentence that is waaaaaaay too long... When all of it can be expressed in a small graph with highlights on the main points and clear definitions of each constituent. In the case of scientific articles, it is necessary to also maintain the text part, to allow effective citation. But non the less, visual representations should become regard as more "serious". As it is a major time saver.
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Mar. 1st, 2012 | 04:01 pm
The Slingshot! So simple..
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Sarkozy 2007 vs Hollande 2012
Feb. 29th, 2012 | 04:27 pm
:D :D :D
http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xnyyob _sarkozy-2007-vs-hollande-2012-le-match-d es-discours_news
Autortiesību pārkāpums? :D
Autortiesību pārkāpums? :D
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Oct. 6th, 2011 | 05:50 pm
Nu ta beidzot, kāds, kuram es šājā jautājumā varu piekrist! :)
http://www.ted.com/talks/christophe_ada mi_finding_life_we_can_t_imagine.html?ut m_source=newsletter_weekly_2011-10-04&utm_campaign=newsletter_weekly&utm_medium=email
http://www.ted.com/talks/lee_cronin_mak ing_matter_come_alive.html
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Tomātu reklāma
Jun. 17th, 2011 | 07:26 pm
Kultūra: mūzika, valoda, tradīcijas (arī ēdieni).
Latvijas lauku ainava.
Man ir neizmērojams prieks, zinot, ka Latvijā ir cieņā Latvijas prece. Ka cilvēki zin, ka Užvnieks ir labakais un, kā garšo īsti gurķi. Ta ir daļa no mūsu nacionālās identitātes - mūsu lauksaimniecība, mūsu nepatika pret "Spānijas tomātiem". Brīži pie sulīguma pārpilna galda ir tie, kuros visstiprāk jūtos, kā Latviete. Mūsu virtuvei, varbūt nav pārāk daudz ļoti īpašu, tikai te atrodamu recepšu, bet mums vēl ir ēdienu sastāvdaļu kvalitāte.
Iestarpinājumā: Viegli saprotams paskaidrojums, kāpēc sava dārziņa zemenes ir garšīgākas, kāpēc omes tomāti ir īpaši un virpār kāpēc "konvencionālā" lauksaimniecība ir, prasti sakot, slikta. Īsi un kodolīgi:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Z1C8VKt LwY&NR=1
Tatad, bez acīm redzamā ekonomiskā pamatojuma Latvijas mazo ekoloģisko lauksaimnieku atbalstam, ir vēl viens, tikpat svarīgs, sekundārs efekts. :)
Mēs varam būt tikpat efektīvi kā LAD, kas, starp citu, tikko ieguvis ISO 9001:2008 - jūjū. Mēs varam - ar savām karotītēm.
Nav jau tā, ka neviens šito nezin! Tak skaidra lieta! Tad kapēc es veltīju pāris munūtes lai par ko tik pašaprotamu uzrakstītu? Lai atgādinātu! Kaut pati sev.
Kultūra: mūzika, valoda, tradīcijas (arī ēdieni).
Latvijas lauku ainava.
Man ir neizmērojams prieks, zinot, ka Latvijā ir cieņā Latvijas prece. Ka cilvēki zin, ka Užvnieks ir labakais un, kā garšo īsti gurķi. Ta ir daļa no mūsu nacionālās identitātes - mūsu lauksaimniecība, mūsu nepatika pret "Spānijas tomātiem". Brīži pie sulīguma pārpilna galda ir tie, kuros visstiprāk jūtos, kā Latviete. Mūsu virtuvei, varbūt nav pārāk daudz ļoti īpašu, tikai te atrodamu recepšu, bet mums vēl ir ēdienu sastāvdaļu kvalitāte.
Iestarpinājumā: Viegli saprotams paskaidrojums, kāpēc sava dārziņa zemenes ir garšīgākas, kāpēc omes tomāti ir īpaši un virpār kāpēc "konvencionālā" lauksaimniecība ir, prasti sakot, slikta. Īsi un kodolīgi:
Tatad, bez acīm redzamā ekonomiskā pamatojuma Latvijas mazo ekoloģisko lauksaimnieku atbalstam, ir vēl viens, tikpat svarīgs, sekundārs efekts. :)
Mēs varam būt tikpat efektīvi kā LAD, kas, starp citu, tikko ieguvis ISO 9001:2008 - jūjū. Mēs varam - ar savām karotītēm.
Nav jau tā, ka neviens šito nezin! Tak skaidra lieta! Tad kapēc es veltīju pāris munūtes lai par ko tik pašaprotamu uzrakstītu? Lai atgādinātu! Kaut pati sev.
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Poverty is a ridiculous concept.
Jun. 10th, 2011 | 03:19 pm
Poverty is the state of one who lacks a certain amount of material possessions or money.
Absolute poverty or destitution refers to being unable to afford basic human needs.
The poverty threshold, or poverty line, is the minimum level of INCOME deemed necessary to achieve an adequate standard of living in a given country. ("A minimum income level below which a person is officially considered to lack adequate subsistence and to be living in poverty." TheFreeDictionary)
India's official poverty level, on the other hand, is split according to rural vs. urban thresholds. For urban dwellers, the poverty line is defined as living on less than 538.60 rupees (approximately USD $12) per month, whereas for rural dwellers, it is defined as living on less than 356.35 rupees per month (approximately USD $7.50).[15] By this measure, only 27.5% of Indians live in poverty, whereas by the World Bank standard of $1.25 per day, 42% of Indians live in poverty – this is the third highest rate in South Asia after Bangladesh and Bhutan (who's HDI is 0.619 (medium);) ).
A traditional list of immediate "basic needs" is food (including water), shelter, and clothing.
Many modern lists emphasize the minimum level of consumption of 'basic needs' of not just food, water, and shelter, but also sanitation, education, and healthcare. Different agencies use different lists. (wikipedia)
What the needs are for? Maintaining a tolerable life. Safety.
On a side note...
I believe the list is: food, water, shelter, education, clothing.
Why is clothing last? Because in territories with favorable climatic conditions clothing is not actually necessary for "maintaining a tolerable life".
Why is education (which is a very broad term) in it? Because an educated individual can:
- recognize (more easily) values beyond the material ones, and therefore be content with what he/she has, and
- be introduced to different views and therefore recognize them.
Thus, besides providing knowledge that can be used to improve the living conditions of an individual, education prevents conflict. And lack of conflict creates safety - just as important to "maintaining a tolerable life" as anything else on the list.
But back to the point!
Food, water, shelter, education, clothing.
How do you put a price on them? All of them are available to, for example, aboriginal tribes for free. What is necessary to obtain all of this? Access to "healthy" ecosystems and peaceful interaction. Land. But there is a minimum of land (depending on location) required to sustain a human individually. We have exceeded it.
Poverty only exists where the population is too dense and creates a need for resource management. Poverty only exists, where there is a community which is as large as to require money as "proof" that an individual is part of it, and deserves a peace of the resources that the society manages.
May I deduct that population growth will inevitably increase poverty? :D
All this is well known. But the point was that if there is a community, that can ensure it's members a tolerable life (some kibbutz, tribes, etc.) without money, will it's poverty threshold be 0? And it would still be considered as poor. And poor=bad. But what does Bhutan teach us about happiness? ;)
And just an interesting fact to ponder about:
"The poverty threshold is useful as an economic tool with which to measure such people and consider socioeconomic reforms such as welfare and unemployment insurance to reduce poverty." This is the threshold for an entire country...What could be wrong with this?
Absolute poverty or destitution refers to being unable to afford basic human needs.
The poverty threshold, or poverty line, is the minimum level of INCOME deemed necessary to achieve an adequate standard of living in a given country. ("A minimum income level below which a person is officially considered to lack adequate subsistence and to be living in poverty." TheFreeDictionary)
India's official poverty level, on the other hand, is split according to rural vs. urban thresholds. For urban dwellers, the poverty line is defined as living on less than 538.60 rupees (approximately USD $12) per month, whereas for rural dwellers, it is defined as living on less than 356.35 rupees per month (approximately USD $7.50).[15] By this measure, only 27.5% of Indians live in poverty, whereas by the World Bank standard of $1.25 per day, 42% of Indians live in poverty – this is the third highest rate in South Asia after Bangladesh and Bhutan (who's HDI is 0.619 (medium);) ).
A traditional list of immediate "basic needs" is food (including water), shelter, and clothing.
Many modern lists emphasize the minimum level of consumption of 'basic needs' of not just food, water, and shelter, but also sanitation, education, and healthcare. Different agencies use different lists. (wikipedia)
What the needs are for? Maintaining a tolerable life. Safety.
On a side note...
I believe the list is: food, water, shelter, education, clothing.
Why is clothing last? Because in territories with favorable climatic conditions clothing is not actually necessary for "maintaining a tolerable life".
Why is education (which is a very broad term) in it? Because an educated individual can:
- recognize (more easily) values beyond the material ones, and therefore be content with what he/she has, and
- be introduced to different views and therefore recognize them.
Thus, besides providing knowledge that can be used to improve the living conditions of an individual, education prevents conflict. And lack of conflict creates safety - just as important to "maintaining a tolerable life" as anything else on the list.
But back to the point!
Food, water, shelter, education, clothing.
How do you put a price on them? All of them are available to, for example, aboriginal tribes for free. What is necessary to obtain all of this? Access to "healthy" ecosystems and peaceful interaction. Land. But there is a minimum of land (depending on location) required to sustain a human individually. We have exceeded it.
Poverty only exists where the population is too dense and creates a need for resource management. Poverty only exists, where there is a community which is as large as to require money as "proof" that an individual is part of it, and deserves a peace of the resources that the society manages.
May I deduct that population growth will inevitably increase poverty? :D
All this is well known. But the point was that if there is a community, that can ensure it's members a tolerable life (some kibbutz, tribes, etc.) without money, will it's poverty threshold be 0? And it would still be considered as poor. And poor=bad. But what does Bhutan teach us about happiness? ;)
And just an interesting fact to ponder about:
"The poverty threshold is useful as an economic tool with which to measure such people and consider socioeconomic reforms such as welfare and unemployment insurance to reduce poverty." This is the threshold for an entire country...What could be wrong with this?
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Ko mūsos sēja
Jun. 8th, 2011 | 04:45 pm
There is nothing better in the world
Than wondering the wide world with your friends
Those who are friendly, have no alarm
All roads are dear to us
All roads are dear to us
We will not forget his calling
Laughter and joy we bring to people
For us the alluring arches of palaces
Will not ever replace freedom.
Our carpet - flower fields
Our walls - giant pines
Our roof - the blue sky
Our happiness - to live such a fate
Than wondering the wide world with your friends
Those who are friendly, have no alarm
All roads are dear to us
All roads are dear to us
We will not forget his calling
Laughter and joy we bring to people
For us the alluring arches of palaces
Will not ever replace freedom.
Our carpet - flower fields
Our walls - giant pines
Our roof - the blue sky
Our happiness - to live such a fate
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(no subject)
May. 31st, 2011 | 06:24 pm
Es meklēšu. Es būšu naiva. Jo ta ir skaistāk. Un kādi gan ir argumenti tiem, kas ir pret naivumu? Un āpēc vispār kādam ir jābūt pret to kāds ir kāds cits? Es šobrīd gribu būt naiva.
Man prātā ir piedzīvojums. Maniem vecākiem tas nepatiks. Bet liktenis lēma, ka pie zemes man nebūs turēties. Ja jau viņš negrib mani uzvest šogad tai baltajā tornī, tad negrib. Gan nākamgad gribēs.
Tikai ir dusmas. Milzīgas dusmas. Izdarīju visu ko varēju. Devu maksimalo iespējamo laiku Latvijas profesoru vanabijiem lai izspiež no sevis pāris apsolītus teikumus. Nu kā tā var? Man vēl tagad jālasa "nākamgad atceraties, ka jādod laiks". Nu nesaprot skaistā CH, ka LV nenotiek viss tik vienkārši. Nevar aizsūtīt 1 vienīgu e-pastu un cerēt, ka viss notiks. LV vajag stāvēt pie galda un skatīties, kā tavā priekšā tiek uzlikti visi zīmogi. Nu nesaprot CH, ka ar PortSoviem jāstrādā. Un skatijos es uz to "mēs nosūtīsime-pastu ar lūgumu un viņi atbildēs tieši mums" ar šaubam un neticību. Naivi. Redz. Ari viņi ir naivi.
Ak tad tas man ir pret naivumu? Skaidrs.
Labi. Tad nebūšu naiva. Būšu pārgalvīga. Meklēšu pargalvīgi, nevis naivi.
Iešu prom un meklēšu.
Tikai nedaudz vēlāk. :)
Man prātā ir piedzīvojums. Maniem vecākiem tas nepatiks. Bet liktenis lēma, ka pie zemes man nebūs turēties. Ja jau viņš negrib mani uzvest šogad tai baltajā tornī, tad negrib. Gan nākamgad gribēs.
Tikai ir dusmas. Milzīgas dusmas. Izdarīju visu ko varēju. Devu maksimalo iespējamo laiku Latvijas profesoru vanabijiem lai izspiež no sevis pāris apsolītus teikumus. Nu kā tā var? Man vēl tagad jālasa "nākamgad atceraties, ka jādod laiks". Nu nesaprot skaistā CH, ka LV nenotiek viss tik vienkārši. Nevar aizsūtīt 1 vienīgu e-pastu un cerēt, ka viss notiks. LV vajag stāvēt pie galda un skatīties, kā tavā priekšā tiek uzlikti visi zīmogi. Nu nesaprot CH, ka ar PortSoviem jāstrādā. Un skatijos es uz to "mēs nosūtīsime-pastu ar lūgumu un viņi atbildēs tieši mums" ar šaubam un neticību. Naivi. Redz. Ari viņi ir naivi.
Ak tad tas man ir pret naivumu? Skaidrs.
Labi. Tad nebūšu naiva. Būšu pārgalvīga. Meklēšu pargalvīgi, nevis naivi.
Iešu prom un meklēšu.
Tikai nedaudz vēlāk. :)
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(no subject)
May. 27th, 2011 | 06:10 pm
Tikpat grūti saprast, ka dzīve nav nebeidzama, ir saprast, ka cilvēku skaits uz Zemesarī nav nebeidzams. Lai gan skaits ir mainīgs un pieaugošs, tas tomēr nav bezgalīgs. Un, vismaz man personīgi, ir grūti iedomāties, ka mūsu ir tikai noteikts skaits. Ar šo populācijas lielumu ir līdzīga sajūta, kā ar visumu un visu. Bezgalības sajūta. Mierinoša.
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(no subject)
May. 27th, 2011 | 05:56 pm
Diminishing marginal utility of my travels scares me...
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Peedeejais shodien..
Apr. 9th, 2011 | 10:42 pm
http://everydayfunnyfunny.com/wp-conten t/uploads/2010/11/religion-is-like-a-pen is.jpg
http://demotivation.ru/images/20100 605/23c2up4mv3pq.jpg
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(no subject)
Apr. 9th, 2011 | 10:33 pm
http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_LbEOZqOqjYs/S WizRoVmmLI/AAAAAAAAFMo/20B5omYL7co/s400/j ohn-lennon-quote.jpg
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(no subject)
Apr. 9th, 2011 | 09:16 pm
Ak jel, paldies "dievam", ka saimnieces deels vismaz pie galda uzvelk kreklu. :D
Taa chuuska savaadaak to skaisto saarto, ljoooti labi veidoto, bet arii ljoti jauno, aabolu uz astes gala groza man pie degungala.
Shausmas. :)
Taa chuuska savaadaak to skaisto saarto, ljoooti labi veidoto, bet arii ljoti jauno, aabolu uz astes gala groza man pie degungala.
Shausmas. :)
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(no subject)
Apr. 4th, 2011 | 07:15 pm
Sezot uz sava podinja varu sauljot kajas.
Suns uz mani jau paaraak ceriigi skataas. Nevajadzeeja dot desu.
Marianette man blakus laapa kaut ko melnu un nenosakaamu. Clovis tepat kaut ko gatavo eest.
Pa dienu noliidu lejaa pie taas upiites, uz kuru skatos, piedodiet, nokaartojoties. Skaista gan. Sanaaca pat dazhi klinshukaapeeju cieniigi triki. Interesanti, kas tas par slaanekli tur atsedzas?
Sister Hazel jau uzrakstiijushi paaris dziesmas no manas shodienas. Bet paarsvaraa Franchu un Kvebekieshu (kaa man stingri, jau kuro reizi noraada; ka tas nu nekaadi nav viens un tas pats) muuzika.
Liekas man vieglaak ietu ar kjiinieshu valodu.
Bet tai upei tas pilniigi vienalga. Upe var tikai teceet. Savaadaak tas uudens vairs nav upe. Cilveeks var vieniigi dziivot taalaak - savaadaak tas nav cilveeks.
Gribas ticeet daudzaam lietaam. Bet liekas es esmu piemirsusi kaa priecaaties. seezhu te, paradiizee, un, lai gan viss kaartiibaa, prieks vairs nav taads kaa agraak. Es noneesaajos.
Jau tagad I miss my knees. Kaa veca vecene dobee taisnojos. :)
Suns uz mani jau paaraak ceriigi skataas. Nevajadzeeja dot desu.
Marianette man blakus laapa kaut ko melnu un nenosakaamu. Clovis tepat kaut ko gatavo eest.
Pa dienu noliidu lejaa pie taas upiites, uz kuru skatos, piedodiet, nokaartojoties. Skaista gan. Sanaaca pat dazhi klinshukaapeeju cieniigi triki. Interesanti, kas tas par slaanekli tur atsedzas?
Sister Hazel jau uzrakstiijushi paaris dziesmas no manas shodienas. Bet paarsvaraa Franchu un Kvebekieshu (kaa man stingri, jau kuro reizi noraada; ka tas nu nekaadi nav viens un tas pats) muuzika.
Liekas man vieglaak ietu ar kjiinieshu valodu.
Bet tai upei tas pilniigi vienalga. Upe var tikai teceet. Savaadaak tas uudens vairs nav upe. Cilveeks var vieniigi dziivot taalaak - savaadaak tas nav cilveeks.
Gribas ticeet daudzaam lietaam. Bet liekas es esmu piemirsusi kaa priecaaties. seezhu te, paradiizee, un, lai gan viss kaartiibaa, prieks vairs nav taads kaa agraak. Es noneesaajos.
Jau tagad I miss my knees. Kaa veca vecene dobee taisnojos. :)
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Monkey business
Mar. 10th, 2011 | 01:03 pm
"The study, conducted by Meredith Chivers of the Center for Addiction and Mental Health and J. Michael Bailey of Northwestern University, was published in the October issue of Biological Psychology. The researchers found that while straight men are only aroused by females of the human variety, straight women are equally aroused by all human sexual activity, including lesbian, heterosexual and homosexual male sex, and at least somewhat aroused by nonhuman sex."
http://seedmagazine.com/content/art icle/girls_gone_wild_for_monkeys/