20 April 2023 @ 11:24 am
Father figure  
Yesterday morning while walking to work I saw this little girl with her father (or so it looked). The dad was already carrying her backpack, but the little girl still had a huge stuffed animal and a bag in her hands. They looked so in sync walking together. I guess the girl was still struggling with all that she had to carry and the dad took the bag from her and they continued on hand in hand. You could just feel the trust and the ease between them.
I've always been loved and cared for and I've never really felt like my non existent relationship with my father bothered me, but in that moment I wished I did have a father figure in my life. Someone who really cared for me, someone who knew how old I was and what my interests were. Someone who without even asking offered to carry a little bit of my burden when I was struggling.