- 3.2.06 08:38
JAKARTA (AP): Muslims barged into a high-rise building housing the Danish Embassy on Friday to protest the publication of caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad, and then tore down and burned the country's white and red flag.
The rowdy protest by about 70 people was one of the first in the world's most populous Muslim nation against the 12 cartoons, which first appeared in September in a Danish newspaper. They were reprinted in several other European newspapers this week ina gesture of press freedom.
"We are not terrorists, we are not anarchists but we are against those people who blaspheme Islam," one of the protesters shouted outside the building, which also houses several other foreign missions in Jakarta.
They pelted the building with eggs, pushed their way past security guards and milled around in the lobby before leaving of their own accord after five minutes. They then tore the embassy's flag down from outside the building and lit it on fire on thepavement. (**)