skandaloza ([info]skandaloza) wrote 30. Oktobris 2010, 14:42
"That’s something I’ve learned the hard way. People will always let you down. People always ask me why I’m such a loner and I answer “I don’t like people, you can’t trust anyone” Yeah, call me whatever you want. I rather be alone than get hurt by someone who I thought was my “friend” no such thing to me. I don’t think I can trust people, before I trusted anyone so easily it wasn’t even funny. I thought everyone had a good heart and knew how to keep secrets. Now I don’t like getting close to anyone, I don’t like talking about my personal life with people. I don’t brag about what I have and I don’t say the exciting things I will do. I’m a big believer in “MAL DE OJO” or “EVIL EYE” and I’ve learned people will always envy when something good happens to you or you’re being successful."

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