21:25 < V_PauAmma_V> (Mark tried to find a way and it nearly drove him insane, IIRC)
21:44 < xb95> I got it working, heh. It was hacky though and I didn't like it and of course, we
had a discussion with LJ staff that was basically "this will probably get you
21:45 < skakri> xb95: because of rate limiting or something among these lines?
21:49 < xb95> it would be hard to do it well without hitting LJ very hard, but also, it's one
thing to import content in someone's journal (their content, they've asked for
it.. communities are slightly fuzzier, but at least it's an admin) but it's a very
different matter to load up protected content from passers-by and store it in our
21:49 * geekosaur thinks just that is good enough reason to say "sorry, no"
21:50 < xb95> yeah
man arī bija tā doma par freidlistes merdžošanu, bet tas laikam ir iespējams tikai vienā virzienā - saglabāt visu grab datubāzē un tas jau būtu negodīgi pret ierakstu publicētājiem...
Nu jā. Tas nav ne viegli ieviešams, ne īsti ētiski (?). Nu un protams, papildus slodze uz Inbox serveriem (jo datus par jaunajiem ierakstiem noteikti pieprasītu *vismaz* četras reizes stundā).