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[21 Oct 2023|08:27pm]
Žižeks still got it
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Vasara [20 Jul 2023|06:48pm]
[ music | G. Saliņš ]

no vilciena loga
starp Lībeku un Kopenhāgenu

Visu rītu smaržo un līst
šie labības lauki manī – brūni, dzeltaini,
brūni, medaini – vārpas un skaras – dzeltainas, izbalušas –
kā mati, kā Tavi mati – reiz tālās
vasarās Tavas jaunības mati.

Un Tava seja, nobrūnusi vasarai līdzi,
un rokas, uz lauka labību sienot,
un stilbi, stāvot uz vezuma, klaiņājot
pļavās pieziedušās ap Jāņiem.

pa vilciena logu
jūdzēm smaržo un līst
šie labības lauki manī,
šīs rokas,
šie stilbi,
šie mati.

          Es nezināju,
cik izslāpis biju, cik izkaltis, iztukšots, cik daudz manī saiet
                                     kā milzu labības šķūnī šie vilnījošie
                                     dzeltainie lauki, šis augums,
                                     Tavs augums vilnījošais –
jūdzēm, jūdzēm, jūdzēm

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[17 Jul 2023|07:24pm]
whose house it had been was uncertain
it just seemed like a good place to flirt in
the spells on the stairs
caught us unawares
but we roared at the joke on the curtain
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[18 Apr 2023|02:34pm]
And the days are not full enough
And the nights are not full enough
And life slips by like a field mouse
Not shaking the grass.
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[05 Mar 2023|11:12am]
[ music | Vērdsvērts ]

A slumber did my spirit seal;
I had no human fears:
She seemed a thing that could not feel
The touch of earthly years.

No motion has she now, no force;
She neither hears nor sees;
Rolled round in earth's diurnal course,
With rocks, and stones, and trees.

// šis ir kaut ko izmainījis tajā, kā domāju un izjūtu metaforas, skaistāk nevar. kā tas ir iespējams, ka teksts, stāvot uz vietas, reizē iet divos pretējos virzienos? neiespējams objekts

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[01 Feb 2023|02:29pm]
viena lieta, kuru nesen ievēroju un vairs nevaru atredzēt, ir tas, kā veikalos apsargi pie izejas mēģina uzķert garnadžus - tā smalki pakustoties, paliekot pussoli vai sasveroties uz to pusi, kurā aizšķērsotu tev ceļu.
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[31 Jan 2023|10:38pm]
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[26 Dec 2022|03:51pm]
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[23 Nov 2022|07:32pm]
ir neizsakāmi grūti neuzskatīt sevi par galveno varoni savu telpaugu dzīvē. tā ir tāda kļūda, par kurām mēdz teikt – cik neizbēgama, tik nepiedodama.
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[20 Nov 2022|03:00am]
wow, LNB tagad strādā trīs dienas nedēļā. nevajadzētu vienkārši aizslēgt pavisam?
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[14 Nov 2022|07:40pm]
pasaulē ir divu veidu cilvēki:
tie, kas tic Svētajam Garam,
tie, kas netic Svētajam garam,
un tie, kas restorānos sēž ar muguru pret sienu.
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Autumn [09 Nov 2022|03:32pm]
[ music | Jane Hirshfield ]

Again the wind
flakes gold-leaf from the trees
and the painting darkens—
as if a thousand penitents
kissed an icon
till it thinned
back to bare wood,
without diminishment.

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[25 Oct 2022|03:35pm]
if you are not enjoying it, you're doing it too fast
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[09 Jul 2022|06:53pm]
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[07 Jul 2022|03:00am]
I caught sight of a splendid Misses. She had handkerchiefs and kisses. She had eyes and yellow shoes she had everything to choose and she chose me. In passing through France she wore a Chinese hat and so did I. In looking at the sun she read a map and so did I…. In loving the blue sea she had a pain. And so did I. In loving me she of necessity thought first. And so did I. How prettily we swim. Not in water. Not on land. But in love. How often do we need trees and hills. Not often. And how often do we need mountains. Not very often.
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[16 Jun 2022|03:19pm]
vislabpraataak dziivotu Vaacijaa 20. gs. 20. gados vai arii pirmaa Blade Runner universaa
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[10 Jun 2022|11:32pm]
gribētu sakurīties un rukāt mu online
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[10 Jun 2022|03:11pm]
to serve & to praise
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[09 Jun 2022|12:19pm]
linkin park nerullē (15x)
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[29 May 2022|03:20pm]
In Poland, there is a LARP group that roleplays as contemporary Americans. Here they are doing 'Ohio'. )
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