Fri, Sep. 30th, 2016, 04:27 pm
[info]fjokla: dooh

where are you going
where are you going
my rooster
where are you going
where are you going
my rooster

early in the morning
early in the morning

I'm going to village
I'm going to the village
to wake up the girls

I'm going to village
I'm going to the village
to wake up the girls

early in the morning,
early in the morning

went in a yard
went in a yard
crowed three times
crowed three times

wake up my
wake up, my bride
wake up my
wake up, my bride
the rooster already sang
the rooster already sang

i wont wake up, i wont wake up,
i wanna sleep
i wont wake up, i wont wake up,
i wanna sleep

early in the morning
early in the morning

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