Wed, Sep. 16th, 2009, 02:10 pm

"Your purpose in life is to express your unique self." Jes, es to zināju! Visiem piesprādzēties, ščas es sevi paudīšu.

"You are a creative and artistic person with an interesting view on life." Re, un viņi vēl teica, ka es esmu stulbenis!

"Witty and outgoing, you enjoy sharing your crazy ideas with anyone who will listen." Es saku, iznomājam Liepāju Brazīlijai un taisām kafijas impēriju!

"A total social butterfly, you're the life of any party." Bišķi samuldēts, bet ko tur daudz.

"You are often an object of fantasy and desire." Ak...8))

Wed, Sep. 16th, 2009, 11:28 pm

eee - kas Tev tur ar to Liepāju...?

Thu, Sep. 17th, 2009, 09:21 am

Liepājā uzcelt simtstāvu kafijas rūpnīcu un ražot kafiju visai planētai!